

From supporting a center for vulnerable teenagers, girls coping with pregnancy and women fleeing domestic violence to a neighborhood school, community kitchen and lunches for the elderly in a local parish during the year, the Royal Resorts Foundation looks for ways to help those in need in the Cancun area.

Vulnerable teenagers

The Royal Resorts Foundation helped build a kitchen at the Don Bosco community center for vulnerable teens, this is a place where they can get help, learn to prepare nutritious meals and take classes that will prepare them for life and to find jobs.

Helping women in need

The Foundation supports VIFAC, a community center for vulnerable pregnant teenagers and single mothers where they can get lodging, nutritious meals, medical attention and counselling, support with schooling, training, self-esteem and social skills coaching and to work on a life project for them and their child.

A mission of hope

Fundación Vidas Transformadas A.C. is a community center on the outskirts of Cancun for single moms and their children. It is a place of refuge where they can get a meal and support. Children attend classes and take part in sports and community outreach programs and there are workshops for the women to learn skills such as organic gardening, crafts and other skills to help them find jobs. The sale of handmade jewelry at our resorts provides much-needed funds for the center.

Support for the elderly

During the year, the Royal Resorts Foundation helps host lunches for the elderly in a local Cancun parish.

Spreading happiness

From Día de Reyes gifts on January 6 to Children’s Day parties, the Royal Resorts Foundation is always looking for ways to spread happiness and put a smile on the faces of Cancun’s youngest inhabitants.

Injured wildlife

Royal Resorts is happy to help Fauna Digna, an NGO that nurses injured wild birds and animals back to health and releases them back into their habitat. Towels and sheets that are no longer suitable for use at the resorts are donated for use as slings or mats for creatures such as coatis, foxes, pelicans, birds of prey, pygmy owls and more.