As part of its Cancer Awareness Month activities, the Royal Resorts Foundation donated more than $150,000 pesos to pay for breast cancer screening studies for 400 women on low incomes.

The Royal Resorts Foundation supports the fight against cancer and has partnered with Cancun-based NGO Grupo Desafio de Quintana Roo, A.C. to help women in poor communities get vital cancer screening and treatment.

This was the Royal Resorts Foundation’s second donation to Grupo Desafio this year. In May, it was able to cover the costs of medical studies for 293 women, including mammography screening, RX, mammary ultrasound testing and bilateral mammograms as part of its Gift of Life for Women campaign.

Founded in 1999 by a group of women who fought their own battle with cancer, Grupo Desafio de Quintana Roo, A.C. started life as a support network for breast cancer patients. Its mission is now to help all those living with the disease, regardless of sex, age or type of cancer.

In addition to helping women from the poorest sectors of society with cancer screening and treatments, Grupo Desafio seeks to raise cancer awareness by giving seminars on the disease and the importance of early detection in local communities, the workplace, schools and colleges. It also offers self-help and counseling sessions for patients and their families.