Ready to run for a good cause, on your marks, get set, go! The 2020 Royal Resorts Foundation Race will take place on Saturday, April 25. Forming part of the Cancun 50 Year birthday celebrations, the race also has a different venue, the brand new Parque Cancun, located behind the schools and colleges on Bonampak Avenue, Downtown.

Our 2020 Royal Resorts Foundation Race cause, a children’s playground in Parque Cancun

Parque Cancun is a new green space for local residents and visitors to enjoy and it will be inaugurated on April 20 as part of Cancun’s birthday celebrations. From the outset, Royal Resorts has been involved in the development of the park, sending gardeners to help in the landscaping. The Royal Resorts Foundation has decided to give more support to this community cause in 2020 and proceeds from the race will be donated to the park to fund a children’s playground.

Take part in the 5 or 10-kilometer race or the three-kilometer walk and there’s a Fun Run for the kids too.

Race details

• The race takes place on Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 7 a.m in Parque Cancun.
• 3, 5 or 10 kilometers
• Field of 600 adult competitors and 100 children
•Age categories for men and women
Free (15-39 years) Master (40-49 years) Veteran (50 and over)
• Race Fee is $300 pesos per adult and $250 pesos per child and includes a souvenir t-shirt and finalist’s medal, race number, chip, water and an isotonic drink at the finish line
Prizes will be given to the first three places in each category in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women. The first three Royal Resorts employees to cross the finish in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women will also receive prizes.

Children’s Fun Run

Bring the kids! There is a race for them too!
• Children aged 4 to 7 years
500 meters
• Children aged 8 to 12 years
1 kilometer

Register for the 2020 Royal Resorts Foundation Race today

Invite your friends and family to take part!