Remember Dani, the “boy of glass,” the brave little child with brittle bone syndrome (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) that the Royal Resorts Foundation has been helping? In February, we held our first charity fun run in partnership with Cancun NGO Erase Una Vez un Hogar, A.C. (Once Upon a Home) to raise money to build him a house. On August 20, Dani and his family moved into their brand new home and Royal Resorts volunteer Raul Prado was one of their first visitors.

When Erase Una Vez Un Hogar volunteers first met Dani in the village of Leona Vicario, Dani and his family were staying in a borrowed house that was woefully inadequate for Dani’s needs. He was tiny, spending most of his time in his mother’s arms due to the fragility of his bones. In his short life – he is only five – he has already suffered 14 bone fractures.

Royal Resorts Foundation joined the cause to improve Dani’s quality of life and help build him a home. Thanks to the support for the race from Royal Resorts employees, members and local people and donations we received, building began and the house was soon ready to welcome the family.




Building a Home for Dani

Built with ramps for wheelchair access, Dani’s new house has two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living/dining area and a small terrace. He’ll live there with his parents, sisters and the latest member of the family, a new baby brother.

The house is 90 percent finished, but there are still things to be done such as installing lighting and ceiling fans, mattresses and the foam floor mats that Dani needs to be able to safely play on. Erase Una Vez un Hogar has launched an appeal for donations in order to obtain the furniture and appliances still needed.

Dani is happy to be in his new home and thanks everyone at Royal Resorts for their help and friendship. Raul presented this little champ, who is always ready to smile despite the challenges he faces, with his Royal Resorts Foundation race medal and t-shirt.

We thought you would like to see these photos and video of Dani and his family in their new home and we will keep you posted about how they are getting on.


See the video