Are you traveling to Cancun next February? If you like running, why not join fellow visitors and local athletes competing in the First Royal Resorts Foundation Race for charity on February 21, 2016. The Foundation’s goal is raise money to build a home for Dani, “the glass child,” a very brave little boy from the village of Leona Vicario who is battling a congenital illness called brittle bone disease.

Help build a home for Dani

Dani is only five and suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a bone disorder also known as brittle bone disease. He lives with constant crippling pain and the slightest knock can cause his bones to fracture, as they already have 14 times. He is tiny for his age and you would think from looking at him that he is two or three years old. He is so frail that he spends most of his time in his mother’s arms and cannot walk yet, only crawl.

Dani doesn’t have a wheelchair and the house he and his family live in is not suitable for such a sick little boy to grow up in. In partnership with Cancun-based NGO Érase Una Vez un Hogar, A.C., Royal Resorts Foundation wants to build a home that is a safe environment for Dani to live and play in.

Dani also faces other symptoms of brittle bone disease such as weak muscles, dental problems and deafness. Although there is no cure for his illness, medication, treatment and physiotherapy can alleviate his pain and strengthen his bones and teeth. However, Leona Vicario is 45 minutes away from the nearest hospitals in Cancun and Dani’s parents are poor and cannot afford the bone mass studies and treatment their son so desperately needs. By registering for the First Royal Resorts Foundation Race you can help give Dani a brighter, healthier and happier future.

Sign up for the First Royal Resorts Foundation Race

Sign up for the First Royal Resorts Foundation Race and help raise money for Dani. The starting whistle will blow at 7 a.m. on February 21, 2016 at The Royal Sands. Choose your race distance from 3, 5 or 10 kilometers. The age categories for male and female runners are as follows: Free (15-39 years), Master (40-49 years) and Veteran (50 and over). The Race Fee is $250 pesos per runner and includes a souvenir t-shirt and finalist’s medal, race number, chip, water and an isotonic drink at the finish line.

Prizes will be given to the first three places in each category in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women. The first three Royal Resorts employees to cross the finish in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women will also receive prizes.

If you would like to register for the race please email: The closing date for registration is February 16, 2016

Visit for more information about the Royal Resorts Foundation and its other community and conservation causes.