It’s been a busy few weeks in the 2019 Cancun turtle nesting season. At Royal Resorts, there are now 869 nests in the corrals at The Royal Sands, The Royal Caribbean and The Royal Islander. As of September 10, 103,368 eggs have been protected this year.

Our summer turtle guardians have already released 41,716 baby turtles and are keeping an eye on the nests as more and more eggs are beginning to hatch.

And the female turtles keep coming ashore to nest. During the night of August 21, 11 turtles nested on the beach in front of The Royal Sands, keeping guards very busy!

The reports that this summer is a busy turtle season all along the Mexican Caribbean coast keep coming in. In the Akumal area, conservationists are watching over 971 nests in the four bays: Akumal Bay, Half Moon Bay, Jade Bay and Akumal South.

On Cozumel, the San Martin turtle camp on the east coast, one of four on the island, is reporting 4,092 turtle nests already this season, 1,312 nests more than the same period last year.