On Saturday evening, March 30, Royal Resorts will be dimming the lights for Earth Hour 2019, joining hundreds of thousands of companies and millions of people around the world taking action to protect our planet.

Non-essential lights will be turned off around the resorts in Cancun and The Royal Haciendas and we hope that our members and guests will join in by dimming the lights in their rooms. La Veranda restaurant at The Royal Sands will be decorated with palms for a natural look and desserts will be on the Earth Hour theme. There will be special Earth Hour activities at The Royal Haciendas.

The Royal Haciendas
If you are staying at The Royal Haciendas this weekend, the social activities team has an Earth Hour 2019 program lined up for you on Saturday. At 2 p.m. bring the family to join in beach cleaning. At 7 p.m. make your way to the stage area on the terrace in Phase II of the resort where there will be delicious snacks for you to enjoy, including fruit-flavored water, popcorn, candy floss and marquesinas, a sweet waffle-like treat from the Yucatan. Souvenir Earth Hour t-shirts will be on sale and the proceeds will go to support Royal Resorts Foundation community and conservation causes.

At 7:35 p.m. there will be an Earth Hour Show and at 8:25 p.m. the countdown will begin to Earth Hour and switching off the lights.

Grand Residences is also participating in Earth Hour with a day-long program of activities culminating in the symbolic turning off the lights ceremony in the evening.

Wherever you are, whether you are vacationing at Royal Resorts or are back home, we hope that you’ll join in Earth Hour 2019 and #Connect2Earth

Turn off the lights, sit on the terrace and gaze up at the stars. Think about the ways that you can protect the planet. From recycling to reducing the use of plastic, using eco friendly cleaning products, water conservation, walking or biking instead of using the car and switching to solar power to picking up litter, volunteering for neighborhood gardens and parks, planting trees and protecting wildlife, every little helps.

In 2018, 188 countries took part in Earth Hour and the lights on close to 18,000 of the world’s most famous landmarks were dimmed. Millions of people came together to take action and make their pledges to protect the environment, whether at home, in the workplace or in their communities.

Royal Resorts protecting the planet
Royal Resorts takes its role of environmental stewardship very seriously. On the eve of Earth Hour 2019, here’s a look at some of its many green initiatives:

• Plastic, aluminum, glass and paper trash generated at the resorts is recycled and sold to a recycling company. Proceeds go to the Royal Resorts Foundation to help protect the environment and help those in need
• Royal Resorts no longer uses plastic straws in its restaurants and bars. Biodegradable straws made from avocado pits are available if guests ask for one.
• Solar panels on the roof at The Royal Sands heat 50% of the water used in rooms at the resort
• The use of chlorine in the pools has been reduced by 40%
• Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products, polishes and paint
• Cooking oil used in the kitchens is recycled and sold to a company to generate bio-fuel
• Switching from polystyrene glasses and take-out containers to reusable melamine plates and biodegradable glasses and bags in the pool and beach bars
• Cloth bags are on sale in the resort stores as an alternative to plastic bags
• Energy efficient lighting, boilers, heat exchangers and appliances help control energy consumption
• Water saving measures, including campaigns with guests inviting them to reuse towels and sheets
• Royal Resorts supports a Cancun park project and Riviera Maya reforestation initiatives
• Royal Resorts Foundation donates to regional conservation projects run by Amigos de Sian Ka’an
• Turtle protection. In 21 years Royal Resorts security staff have watched over 8,209 nests and released 763,289 baby turtles
• Support for a charity nursing injured wild birds and animals back to health
• Beach cleaning
• Training workshops with staff to raise environmental awareness and spread the role of environmental stewardship in the workplace, the home and the community