One of the causes supported by the Royal Resorts Foundation is education and it provides scholarships for children attending the Cancun school Colegio Mano Amiga. At the recent graduation of 71 students from Bachillerato (Senior High), Royal Resorts Operations Director Armando Millet made a donation of US$31,435 to the school to give even more children the opportunity to learn and fulfill their potential.
Founded in 2009 in the Ciudad de la Alegría community center on the outskirts of Cancun, Colegio Mano Amiga provides education for children from extremely poor and disadvantaged backgrounds, who otherwise might not have a chance to complete their studies.
Thirty of the students who graduated this month have attended the Mano Amiga School since it opened and completed their secondary education there. Two students received dual awards for academic excellence and merit: Martha Cecilia Vargas Caamal (Promedio 9.7), Luis Ángel Cohuo Matú (Promedio 9.6), and many others hope to go on to university. Indeed, five of the college-bound students have been awarded full scholarships to attend Anáhuac University in Cancún.
Samantha Monserrat Cortés Ablanedo, Valeria Alejandra Romo Vázquez, Martha Cecilia Vargas Caamal, Verónica Lucely Pool Calán and Francisco Gabriel Pool Calán won their university scholarships as a result of their outstanding academic performance, hard work and dedication. Our congratulations go out to them and all the other graduating students.
Many parents attending the graduation expressed their gratitude for the support of the Royal Resorts Foundation. Thanks to the generous donations of members, guests and staff, we have been able to make dreams come true and help these students take their first steps on the path to a better future.
For more information on Mano Amiga School and the Foundation’s other causes visit