Here’s this month’s Cancun turtle season update from Royal Resorts. Female turtles were still coming ashore to lay their eggs on the beach in front of The Royal Sands in the final days of September but there have been no more arrivals in October. The turtle season is drawing to close and to date at Royal Resorts our staff have protected 923 nests and 106,554 eggs in the 2019 Cancun turtle nesting season. That is hundreds more nests and many thousands more eggs than last year. Security staff have also released 66,072 baby turtles so far and there are thousands more eggs to hatch.

Royal Resorts has been protecting the sea turtles since 1985. Formal record keeping began in 1998 and to date 9,132 nests have been protected and 832,761 baby turtles have been released.

In other Cancun turtle nesting season news, the City Hall Ecology Department reported that this summer 6,560 nests have been protected along the Cancun shoreline to date, more than double the number protected in 2018, which was 2,983 nests. Biologists estimate that by the end of the season, more than 600,000 baby turtles will have hatched on the beaches of Cancun.

(Source: Sipse for Cancun turtle statistics)