The COVID-19 crisis is hitting the Mexican Caribbean hard, impacting workers who rely on tips as part of their salary. Some 890 employees at Royal Resorts and Grand Residences are affected and need support. The Royal Resorts Foundation has launched the COVID-19 Employee Relief Fund appeal to help them.

Many of the employees who make your Royal Resorts vacation so special receive part of their salary as tips.  They include the maid who cleans your villa and the friendly waiter who brings you your coffee every day, the bartender who always has your favorite cocktail waiting for you and the kitchen staff who work wonders behind the scenes.  The absence of visitors means difficult times for them.

We are family and families take care of each other in times of need. You can help the Royal Resorts employees you love during this emergency by donating to the COVID-19 Employee Relief Fund. Our initial goal is to raise US$70,000 to help them.

Visit the Royal Resorts Foundation page to donate now.  You can select your resort in order to help the employees you know or use the “All Resorts” category.  Credit card donations are accepted and a thank you notification will appear automatically when the donation has gone through. Your generosity is much appreciated.


Use Royal Resorts Rewards to make a donation

You can also use your Royal Resorts Rewards to make a donation to the Royal Resorts Foundation to support the COVID-19 Employee Relief Fund.

Spread the word

You can also help by spreading the word about this fund-raising campaign with your friends and family. Please click below to share the donation link on Twitter or Facebook.