On your next visit to the Mayan metropolis of Chichén Itzá why not stay on to see the new evening Light & Sound Show in the Great Plaza of the sacred city and also watch Tales of the Mayan Skies, a digital planetarium show at the Mayaland Hotel that celebrates the history, culture and mythology of the ancient Maya.
Screened in a small planetarium that resembles the dome of the ancient Observatory in the neighboring archaeological site, the show will transport you to the world of the ancient Mayan astronomers of Chichén Itzá. Night after night they would have stood on the Observatory platform and gazed up at the heavens, searching for portents and patiently charting the movements of the stars and the passage of the seasons.
Tales of the Mayan Skies was produced by Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, California and is narrated by Latin Grammy award winner Lila Downs. There are several daily screenings at 2:45, 5, 7 and 8 p.m., admission US$9 per person, arrive 15 minutes before the show is due to start.
Thomas More Travel offers a variety of trips to Chichén Itzá, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, and will organize a private trip for you with a guide if you would like to explore at your own pace.