Beware of suspicious offers from online companies

Cybercrime and online fraud are on the rise around the world, and we would like to share information about the most recent scam attempts that members have reported. Our recommendation is to be vigilant and to disregard any unsolicited call or email you receive from companies with resale offers or promotions.

The most recent report received from members mentions a company called Capital 1 Partners and an agent called Michael Woods with a suspicious resale offer. It was clear to the recipient of the call that this person did not understand Royal Resorts and that the offer was a scam. The email the member received from this company also contained misinformation and faulty links. The recommendation is to give this company a wide berth.

We also received reports from members of suspicious resale offers involving individuals who have copied the Royal Resorts logo, created emails which contain the name of a person and the address or are supposedly from a department called Transiciones and a fake domain name called to deceive members. They are also falsely using the name of a person who worked in the Reservations Center for many years, Astrid (kate) Villasenor. The emails mention that the resale offer is being made by a company called American Realty Professionals, LLC/ representative Michael Ackerman. The falsified accompanying forms contain the logo of Royal Resorts Caribbean, the name of a person called Maria Irigoyen and typographical errors that you would not see in bona fide legal forms and documents.

We recommend that you ignore any emails that mention this offer and do not send the transfer fee that they are requesting. Please remember that the Royal Resorts domain name is and all Royal Resorts communications are sent from an official email address, if this is not the case, then the email is not from Royal Resorts.

Another recent report of a scam received from one of our Mexican members refers to a flight cancellation and the need to change their stay dates in the reservation they had for The Royal Haciendas. They called a phone number that they thought belonged to Royal Resorts and talked to a person called Lic. Veronica Silva who offered to change the dates in exchange for a fee of $8,016 pesos on deposit for an insurance policy that would be refundable at checkout. They arrived at The Royal Haciendas to find that the change had not been made, the phone numbers they called do not correspond to the Reservations Center, this person does not work at Royal Resorts and there was no record of the deposit that they made, they had been scammed.

The information they received via WhatsApp displayed the Royal Resorts logo and mentioned the “Royal Group,” which is not the name of Royal Resorts.

For more information, click to read the Members News article which contains details of recent reports, suspicious activity to look out for and to see the list of companies reported in the last three years.