Beware of suspicious offers from online companies

It is Royal Resorts policy to alert members of scams attempted by companies or individuals operating online involving resales, title transfers and rentals. Internet fraudsters and hackers operate quickly and move from one identity to another. We recommend caution when you receive unsolicited calls or emails.

The latest report we are sharing with you involves a resale scam involving a person called Ramón Aguirre who claims to represent a company called Royal Resorts Vacation Club. The Royal Resorts logo, the name Real Arenas de Cancun, S.A. de C.V., a Cancun address mentioning km 4.5 Boulevard Kukulcan and the web domain appear in correspondence he has sent. This is not Royal Resorts; it is a case of fraudulent use of our logo and identity and our Legal department is investigating. This person and the company Trasmani S.A. de C.V., which appears to be a non-existent company in Guadalajara have no relationship with Royal Resorts whatsoever. We urge you to be very careful and to notify Royal Resorts if you are contacted by this person. Above all, do not send documents or money.

The use of our logo, the words Royal Resorts and even the km 4.5 in the address, which is the location of The Royal Cancun, may be misleading. Please be aware that Royal Resorts does not use “Vacation Club” as part of its name and the emails sent to members come from an official email address. If you see royalresortsvc in an email you receive, it is not from Royal Resorts, and you should disregard any offer that this individual makes.

There have also been reports of suspicious unsolicited phone calls or emails and offers made by representatives of DERTour Travel agency operating out of Mexico City, DGI Title in Atlanta, Hollywood Management Inc. in Los Angeles, Timeshare Broker Services and The Realtors and by agents called Christopher Adams and Jason Luria.

When such companies contact you via email or phone to offer unsolicited broker, resale, title change, exchange or rental services and ask for cash in advance to cover “administrative fees”, “processing fees,” “commissions”, “guarantees” or “deposits” it is generally a good indication that they may not be genuine and if you pay it is very possible that you will not hear from them again.

Protecting your personal information

Royal Resorts has a rigorous privacy policy and is in full compliance with privacy laws. Our members’ personal information is confidential and we do everything possible to protect it. We do not sell and have never sold personal information to third parties.

Always follow these steps if you receive a suspicious email or phone call:

Check the source of the email if the company or individual claims to be associated with Royal Resorts. All Royal Resorts communications are sent from an official email address, if this is not the case, then the email is not from Royal Resorts.

• Disregard the email or phone call if money is requested in advance for resale or other timeshare-related services.
• Do not supply personal data or the contact details of friends if referrals are requested.
• Do an online background check on the company to see if it is legitimate.
• Ask Royal Resorts if you are in any doubt, we are here to help you.
• Above all, do not send any money.

If you receive an unsolicited call about title changes, contact Royal Resorts or Interval Servicing. Title changes must always be handled through Interval Servicing, your membership services company.

Read our Members News article

For more information on recent online scam reports and what to look out for, please refer to our article in Members News in the Members Area (log in required).