We are sure that you would like to join us in congratulating another member of the Royal Resorts family who has passed an important milestone in her career. Ivohnne Peniche, Office Manager in the Corporate Office in Merida is celebrating 40 years with Royal Resorts. She has seen the company grow over the years from the early days when The Royal Cancun was still under construction.

Another familiar face for many Royal Resorts members and who celebrated his 30th year with Royal Resorts on December 23, 2016 is Ricardo Rodriguez, Thomas More Travel Operations Manager. Ricardo’s first job was manning the tour desk at The Royal Cancun in 1986. Congratulations also go out to Ricardo and to all the members of staff who are celebrating important work anniversaries with Royal Resorts.

Every three months, employees who are celebrating 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or more years with Royal Resorts enjoy an anniversary breakfast with department heads and Management representatives. This breakfast is one of the events organized during the year by the Human Development department.

What are your 40 Year Memories?

During the year, we will be publishing stories and photos commemorating 40 Years of Royal Resorts on our blog, in this newsletter and on our Facebook page. If you would like to drop us a line and send us photos and stories about your treasured vacation memories with family and friends, staff you remember at your favorite resort, we would love to hear from you. You can send photos and vacation stories to memories@royalresorts.com