Royal Resorts Foundation and its health initiatives

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As part of its support for better health, the Royal Resorts Foundation has annual screening programs for breast and prostate cancer. Through the Team Member Relief Fund, it stands by Royal Resorts staff facing serious illness or major surgery. It also sponsors six children with motor, bone and neuromuscular diseases so that they can get the physiotherapy they need at the CRIT Rehabilitation Center in Cancun.

To support better health and early testing campaigns for cancer prevention, the Royal Resorts Foundation is funding prostate cancer screening for 300 team members at the Cancun resorts, The Royal Haciendas and Grand Residences. To date, only three men have been referred to their doctor on receiving the test results.

The Royal Resorts Foundation also provides breast cancer screening. In 2022, 305 women at Royal Resorts and Grand Residences had mammograms thanks to this health initiative.

The Royal Resorts Foundation also gives a helping hand to its team members in times of need with support as they cope with grave illnesses such as cancer, major surgery or accidents and to provide care for the terminally ill. Aid is given on a case-by-case basis and alleviates the burden on the household at a time when problems seem insurmountable.

Over the years, the Team Member Relief Fund has helped staff with a variety of health problems, including financial aid to cover the cost of major operations such as open-heart surgery and kidney transplants and emergency care for a case of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Team members with chronic ailments have had cornea, hip and knee replacements. Others have received help when facing cancer surgery and chemotherapy. Cases range from treatment for scoliosis; travel expenses for post op care and back treatment for a boy with spina bifida; epilepsy medication; speech therapy for a hearing-impaired child and providing hearing aids, among others.

Royal Resorts Foundation is a donor to the CRIT Rehabilitation Center in Cancun (Centro de Rehabilitacion e Inclusion Infantil Teleton) and sponsors regular physiotherapy sessions throughout the year for six children with motor, bone and neuromuscular diseases. Thanks to the support of Royal Resorts members, guests and team members who give to the Foundation, they are getting the physiotherapy, aqua therapy, art, speech therapy, occupational therapy they need to have a better quality of life.

The CRIT Center is run by a Mexican charity called Fundacion Teleton, which has 22 CRIT Centers all over the country and a Children’s Cancer Hospital. In the last decade, it has helped more than 486,000 children.

Learn more about the Royal Resorts Foundation and its causes: health, children’s education, the Team Member Relief Fund, community projects and conservation.