Need Airport Transportation? Thomas More Travel makes it easy
Book your airport transportation with Thomas More Travel and head straight to your resort.

Beware of suspicious offers from online companies
Cybercrime and online fraud are on the rise around the world, and we would like to share information about several recent scam attempts that members have reported.

No smoking in public places
On January 15, 2023, changes in the Mexican law concerning smoking and vaping in public places came into effect.

Enjoy more vacation time during the year closer to home
You’ll always have your Mexican Caribbean home away from home, and we will be waiting to welcome you to Royal Resorts for more memorable moments

The Royal Haciendas turns 17
The Royal Haciendas turns 17 this month and is looking more beautiful than ever.

Royal Resorts Turtle Update
Turtle season is in full swing and our dedicated eco guardians, the security teams, are on the lookout for female turtles as they emerge from the waves to dig their nests in the sand and lay those precious eggs.

Royal Resorts Foundation and its health initiatives
As part of its support for better health, the Royal Resorts Foundation has annual screening programs for breast and prostate cancer.

The Royal Islander closes
It is the end of an era, The Royal Islander closed its doors on July 15.

New dining experiences at Royal Resorts
Are you staying at Royal Resorts this summer? Discover the exciting new dining experiences in store for you.

It’s Showtime at Gran Salón Hacienda Sisal
Lights, camera, action. The curtain rises in Gran Salon Hacienda Sisal for an exciting new entertainment experience.