Meet Julio Ibarra, the Guest Relations Manager at Royal Resorts. Many members will know him from the First to Know seminars; others will have met him when they purchased their first membership.

Originally from Mexico City, Julio studied Communication Science at the Intercontinental University and moved to Cancun in 2005 with his family. He joined Royal Resorts the same year as an Account Officer following up on memberships. In 2006 he became a Welcome Officer, verifying new contracts.

With the opening of Grand Residences in 2013, Julio was appointed Grand Residences Owner Liaison Assistant Manager before being appointed as a Supervisor of the Welcome Team in 2014. In 2017 he was promoted to the post of Guest Relations Manager.

As Guest Relations Manager, Julio’s job is to meet up with members and guests, take care of information requests; receive suggestions and recommendations; investigate customer satisfaction issues and to liaise with other departments when working on the resolution of complaints received on site. In collaboration with the Customer Care department he monitors social media, guest review sites and guest satisfaction surveys. He explains, “I’m in constant contact with members and guests and am in the middle, it is my job to provide a timely response to any question or problem that they may have and to achieve this I work closely with Resort Operations, Food and Beverages, Sales and Marketing and many other departments.”

Julio hosts the First to Know seminars for Royal Resorts members and says, “The purpose of these meetings is for members to receive first-hand information from the Management team and get answers to questions that they may have about resort services or programs, changes and the reasons for their implementation. This way we can ensure that the information they are getting is accurate and that they disregard rumors or poolside gossip.

“The meetings are of the utmost importance to us. As an open communication channel to members, they provide invaluable feedback and suggestions. They help us understand a different perspective and members may sometimes see things we don’t. We can also explain the reasons for changes made at the resorts and point out new services that have been added as a result and that may benefit them too.

“I love my job,” says Julio. “It is wonderful to meet people and get to know them, hear their stories and help them. The ties of friendship that we have with our members are unique. We may not have ten swimming pools at the resorts but we go above and beyond to make the vacation experience we offer exceptional. The number of photos, letters and cards I receive from happy members is testimony to the work everyone does at Royal Resorts to ensure that our members and guests have a wonderful time and unforgettable vacation moments.”

He also takes members and guests on Back of the House tours at The Royal Sands and The Royal Haciendas so that they can see the behind the scenes resort operation. He says, “I really enjoy it and it is a matter of pride for me to show them our great company. We are a big family now with more than 3,300 employees and I love showing them the home, our home and their home. I take them to the Human Development department, the staff cafeteria, the English and computer classrooms. I show them the seniority list so that they can see just how many members of staff have been with the company for over 10, 15, 20, 30 or even 40 years like our Executive Housekeeper Mirna Pech; that alone speaks volumes. They are always very impressed when I take them to the machine house and show them the maze of color-coded pipes, the huge boilers and spotless floors and explain how the water is filtered in the reverse osmosis system.

“I explain what Royal Resorts is doing to save water and energy and protect the planet, pointing out the solar panels at The Royal Sands, the recycling program, the eco-friendly reusable glasses in the pool bars, and workshops to boost environmental awareness among employees.”

Julio says, “I believe that Royal Resorts is unique; we welcome our members and guests from the heart. They are part of our family and this is their home away from home. Many members have made friends with employees over the years – with maids, waiters, bar tenders, concierges and salespeople. I want them to know that the new generation of Concierges also shares the same concept of service and the mission to make each vacation better than the last.

“I am proud to work for a company like Royal Resorts, with principles, values and a philosophy of excellence.” Julio adds, “We always deliver what we promise and more. We will do everything possible to give members and guests an unforgettable vacation experience with memories that they will treasure. I love greeting our members and welcoming them back year after year. I see some that I first met when they became members and I went over their contract with them. They always catch up with me during their visit to tell me how their children, and in some cases grandchildren, are doing.

“When I say that Royal Resorts is my home too, I really mean it,” says Julio. “I met my wife here, she works here too, and we now have a little girl. It has given me everything.”

“If I have a message for our members and guests it would be to keep coming back. We will always welcome you and make each stay better than the last. I would also say take time to explore our beautiful area, meet the people – the warmth and hospitality of the Mexican people has no equal. Discover our history and traditions in places like Tulum, Puerto Morelos, Valladolid and Merida. Mexico is not only what you see in the news; it is so much more, it is an incredible country with endless wonders.”

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