Amigo Mobility International, the US-based company that supplies the travel mobility aids rented at The Royal Market in the Royal Resorts recently reached out to families in need in Cancun. It donated two Amigo electrical scooters to the relatives of two Royal Resorts employees with serious mobility challenges.

Crippled with severe rheumatism and housebound, Maria Dolores Balam, the aunt of Felipe Balam, a bellboy at The Royal Sands, lives in a village near Merida. With the scooter, she can now visit friends and go shopping instead of having to depend on others.

Getting around Cancun can be difficult for the physically challenged and bone cancer sufferer Maria del Carmen Perez, who is married to Jesus Dominguez Lopez, a Thomas More Travel representative, has been unable to walk for some time now. The scooter will give her back the mobility she has missed for so long.

With the aid of Royal Resorts, which paid the shipping costs from Miami to Cancun, Amigo Mobility International was able to help these two ladies who are so grateful for the independence that the scooters now give them.

Amigo Mobility International, Inc. has a long history with Royal Resorts. One of our members Al Thieme designed the first ever power operated vehicle/scooter to help one of his relatives who was facing mobility challenges at the onset of multiple sclerosis and experiencing the loss of independence that this causes. He has never looked back and his company’s goal is Improving Lives through Mobility®.

Amigo Mobility International Vice President Beth Thieme says, “We are so happy to be able to help Royal Resorts employees as it is a place we very much enjoy visiting. After 17 consecutive years of traveling to the Royal Resorts, we look forward to many more years!”