When you visit Merida, capital of the Yucatan, stroll through the main square at night for a taste of the famous ambiance. You’ll see some that some of its iconic buildings such as the Cathedral and Casa de Montejo are the backdrop for a spectacular video mapping show relating the history of this grand old city.

The famous 16-century convent that dominates the town of Izamal, one of the state’s Pueblo Magicos, is also illuminated by a video mapping display. The show begins in the days when Izamal was a shrine to the Mayan god Itzamna and then the coming of the Spaniards. Franciscan monks built the convent (1549-1618) on the top of a Mayan pyramid and installed a statue of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, the patron saint of Yucatan. Henequen cultivation in the Izamal area is highlighted as are the colorful fiestas and the craft tradition.

In Valladolid, the Convento de San Bernardino de Siena has a similar video mapping display.