Our job is to make your vacation outstanding and to create magical vacation memories and sometimes there is a member of staff that goes above and beyond to exceed your expectations. Of course you can always mention him/her in a Trip Advisor review and the online survey you receive after departure from the resort but wouldn’t you like to compliment an outstanding employee on a job well done in real time? Well now you can. We are launching a pilot program at The Royal Islander with an App that lets you do just that.

Developed by software engineers in Spain, Guudjob is an App that you can download to your mobile phone or tablet and which lets you post reviews of members of staff in real time.

Once you have downloaded Guudjob from the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android, all you do is log on and search for the Royal Resorts logo and the person’s profile and you are ready to go. Shout out. Let other people know what an asset your waiter, maid or other employee is to the company, tell them what they did for you and you will make their day.

You can also post your review on www.guudjob.com.

Guudjob is a great new tool that will motivate staff and will help them grown professionally. It will also identify areas where there is room for improvement and provide additional information on job performance that will help the company in its regular evaluations for the star employee program.
