Artificial Reef pilot project at The Royal Cancun

Royal Resorts is participating in a global coral reef conservation initiative called Ocean Rescue Alliance and has teamed up with a company called CCell Renovables in a pilot project to create an artificial reef in front of The Royal Cancun.

A metal structure which will form the base of the reef has been submerged at a two-meter depth under the wooden pier in the bay. A cable connects it to a central panel and a camera transmits images so that the project team can monitor the reef and the presence of marine life.

The first process is the elimination of the rust on the metal surface, which will then be covered naturally by calcium carbonate. The project team will plant the first corals and with time, they will form coral colonies, transforming the structure into a reef.
Artificial reefs are habitats for fish and other marine life such as sea urchins, sponges, sea fans and crustaceans. Ocean Rescue Alliance is working with coastal communities, resorts and volunteers around the world to create more of them and alleviate pressure on beleaguered coral reefs.

The world’s richest ecosystem, coral reefs are facing the threats of climate change, rising sea temperatures, disease, pollution and burgeoning tourism numbers. If we don’t take urgent action now, they could disappear by 2050. Everyone can help and Royal Resorts is proud to join conservation efforts.

Members who like to snorkel in the bay at The Royal Cancun may have seen pipe fish, sergeant majors, butterfly fish, angelfish, pufferfish, scrawled cowfish, lionfish and rays. Young lobster and sea turtles also feed on the sea grass beds in the shallow waters of the bay. Over time, we hope that our reef will be a refuge for more colorful fish and that our members and guests will enjoy watching its growth.

If you go snorkeling, please look at the reef from a distance and do not touch it as the corals are fragile.

Royal Resorts is a longtime supporter of conservation, read more about Royal Resorts Foundation causes

Artificial Reef