The reopening of the Mexican Caribbean continues with the gradual reactivation of the flight network during the summer and reopening of hotels, parks and other attractions. Golf courses and marinas are open as are malls and restaurants, all operating with new hygiene and social distancing measures.

Visitors may use the beaches in front of their hotel but the access to public beaches is still closed to prevent large gatherings.

Archaeological sites in Quintana Roo remain closed but four of them – Tulum, Coba, Muyil and San Gervasio may possibly reopen at the end of August. There is no word yet on the opening date for archaeological sites in the Yucatan.

For more information on the Mexican Caribbean, check the COVID-19 Update.

Queen of Cobá
Archaeologists and epigraphers working in a joint project involving the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and the National University of Mexico (UNAM) have revealed more findings about the dynasty of 14 Maya rulers that once governed the ancient city of Coba for 300 years from AD 500 until the end of the 8th century.

Through the analysis of hieroglyphs on stelae, tablets and carved inscriptions on altars and walls, they have identified the name of the lord who founded the dynasty as Ju’npik Tok (Possessor of Eight Thousand Flints). The names of nine other rulers have been identified, or partially, including K’ahk Chitam (Fire Peccary); Uxman; K’awiil; Ixik…Yopaat (Lady Yopaat, part of her name is missing) and Xaman K’awiil (K’awiil of the North). The chronology is unclear but under this dynasty Coba reached the height of its glory.

Ixik…Yopaat appears to have been one of the most powerful rulers, a queen who governed the city for 40 years.

Inhabited since 200 BC and reaching its peak in the Classic period when it became a regional power, the city of Coba covers a huge area and excavations have been confined to a small part of its ancient territory. More amazing discoveries are sure to lie under the thick mantle of jungle.
Source: INAH