On Saturday March 28 at 8:30 p.m., Royal Resorts will be turning the lights off for Earth Hour, the global campaign organized by WWF, to draw attention to the accelerating effects of climate change and biodiversity loss and the urgent need to do everything we can to protect our planet.

Our planet is under threat
Global warming is accelerating and is reaching tipping points that will have catastrophic consequences. According to the recent IPBES report up to one million species are threatened with extinction if we do not take urgent action. Emblematic species such as polar bears, but also smaller creatures such as birds, amphibians and insects are at risk. Seventy to ninety percent of the world’s coral reefs may die as a result of rapidly warming ocean temperatures and kelp forests are disappearing. The ice caps and glaciers are melting and extreme weather events, drought, floods, crop failure are all becoming much more frequent.

Whether it is lobbying governments and companies for more action on climate change to switching to eco-friendly products, planting trees, reducing our use of plastics and recycling, walking more or car pooling for the school run or commute, we can all do something to change the world. Everything helps and Earth Hour 2020 is a good moment to think about what you can do for the planet.

Earth Hour at Royal Resorts
Non-essential lights will be turned off around the resorts in Cancun and The Royal Haciendas and we hope that our members and guests will join in by dimming the lights in their villas and attending special Earth Hour activities.

At The Royal Haciendas
In our Riviera Maya resort, the Earth Hour program begins at 7 p.m. Guests will gather in front of the stage in Phase 2 of the resort to watch the Earth Hour themed show at 7:45 p.m. Snacks will be served and Earth Hour t-shirts will be on sale, all proceeds going to the Royal Resorts Foundation conservation and community causes.

At Grand Residences Riviera Cancun
Grand Residences Riviera Cancun in Puerto Morelos is also participating in Earth Hour with its own program of activities.

In 2019, more than countries took part in Earth Hour and the lights on close to 18,000 of the world’s most famous landmarks were dimmed. Millions of people came together to take action and make their pledges to protect the environment, whether at home, in the workplace or in their communities.

We will be publishing more news about Earth Hour activities at Royal Resorts and Grand Residences on the Royal Resorts blog as the date approaches.