Given the privacy concerns expressed by many members, The Royal Sands is delaying the implementation of its new beach and pool chair policy until week 50.

As part of the new policy at The Royal Sands, members and guests will receive a tag at check in for use on the beach or by the pool. Implementation of the policy is being delayed in order to make additional adjustments in the process so that the villa number is not shown on the tags.

Reserving pool and beach chairs is not permitted and the policy at The Royal Sands will work in the following way. If members or guests are going to step away from their chair or lounger for a moment, they will use the tag that they received at check in to reserve their place. It will be reserved for a maximum of 60 minutes.

If necessary, security guards may remove belongings from chairs and loungers once the 60 minutes is up or if no tag is visible. Members and guests will be able to collect their belongings later with the Security staff.

One tag will be issued per person registered in the villa, suite or room.

This is a pilot project at The Royal Sands and may be implemented in other resorts at a later date.

We would ask all members and guests to abide by the resort rules and refrain from reserving chairs and loungers if they are not going to use them.