Mark your calendars! The Fourth Royal Resorts Foundation Race will take place on Sunday February 17, 2019 (week 7) in Cancun. Bring your friends and family to support a worthy cause. On this occasion we will be supporting a scholarship program that helps low-income students to get a university education.

Take part in the 5 or 10-kilometer race or a three-kilometer walk and there’s a Fun Run for the kids too.

Race details

  • The race takes place on February 17 at 7 a.m. Starting point: Captain’s Cove Restaurant to Westin Regina and back again.
  • 3, 5 or 10 kilometers
  • Age categories for men and women

Free (15-39 years)   Master (40-49 years)           Veteran (50 and over)

  • Race Fee is $280 pesos per adult and $230 pesos per child and includes a souvenir t-shirt and finalist’s medal, race number, chip, water and an isotonic drink at the finish line

Prizes will be given to the first three places in each category in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women. The first three Royal Resorts employees to cross the finish in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women will also receive prizes.

Children’s Fun Run

Bring the kids! There is a race for them too!

  • Children aged 4 to 7 years
    500 meters
  • Children aged 8 to 12 years
    1 kilometer

Register for the 2019 Race today


Invite your friends and family to take part!