Ria Lagartos Biosphere Reserve on the Gulf coast of Yucatán is home to the world’s largest breeding population of Caribbean flamingos and in August biologists, park wardens, local NGOs such as Niños y Crias A.C. and volunteers joined forces to ring 585 flamingo chicks.

Biologists counted 40,000 birds this season and ringing a percentage of the chicks born in the 2018 season helps experts to monitor their feeding habits and seasonal migrations. Flamingos move along the Yucatan, Quintana Roo and Campeche coast to feed in the coastal lagoons and wetlands and ringed birds have also been seen in Cuba.

If you are due to travel to Royal Resorts later this year and you are a nature lover why not plan a day trip to Ria Lagartos? Not only will you see some of this year’s grey chicks which will not get the striking pink plumage of their parents until next year, you’ll spot herons, kingfishers, skimmers and countless species of migrant waders that fly south for the winter.

Ask at the Thomas More Travel desk about trips to Ria Lagartos, Sian Ka’an and Contoy and bird watching in the jungle near Puerto Morelos.