If you vacation in Cancun or the Riviera Maya for several weeks and have always wanted to see more of Mexico, why not go beyond the beautiful beaches and explore? A world of spectacular landscapes, historical sites and rich traditions awaits you. See more of Mexico, Thomas More Travel is now offering longer excursions to some of the country’s most famous archaeological sites, colonial cities and natural attractions. Here are three unforgettable adventures to get you started.

Nature, history and tradition in Chiapas
Explore the state of Chiapas, one of the treasures of the Maya World, a land of dense jungles and soaring mountains, ancient Mayan cities, colonial towns and highland villages inhabited by the Tzotzil and Tzeltal Maya.

Major attractions in the state include the ancient Mayan cities of Palenque, Yaxchilan, Bonampak and Tonina, Agua Azul and Misol Ha waterfalls, the colonial city of San Cristobal and the timeless Mayan villages of San Juan Chamula and Zinacantan. Take a boat trip through El Sumidero Canyon and visit the Montebello Lakes deep in the pine forests near the Guatemalan border. Learn about organic coffee cultivation on a gracious old finca or estate in the highlands. Explore picturesque villages where weaving and pottery making are a way of life and venture into the jungle, one of the world’s green lungs, rich in biodiversity.

Wonders of the world, the Copper Canyon
One of the “Great Railway Journeys of the World” takes you from the city of Los Mochis on the Pacific coast up into the Sierra Madre to Barrancas del Cobre, the Copper Canyon. Carved out of the mountains by six rivers, this spectacular system of canyons and gorges is larger than the Grand Canyon and deeper in parts.

The small town of Creel is an excellent base for exploring the area and learning about the Raramuri (also known as Tarahumara) Indians who have inhabited the mountains for thousands of years. Visit the community museum and the crafts center. Popular side trips from Creel take visitors to Lake Arareco, Cusarare Waterfall and Urique Canyon. Basaseachi Falls, the highest waterfall in Mexico (246 meters) is further afield.
A feat of engineering, the Chihuahua al Pacifico railroad, known as the Chepe, crosses 39 bridges and has 89 tunnels on its way from the lowlands into the heart of the mountains and on to the historic city of Chihuahua. The views of the valleys, pine forests, canyons and peaks are majestic.

Mexico’s Colonial Heartland
Visit three of Mexico’s colonial treasures, the cities of Queretaro, Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. Rich in history, they are located in a fertile area of central Mexico known as the cradle of Mexican Independence as it was here that the movement for freedom from Spanish rule began in 1810.

All three cities are rich in Spanish colonial architecture, with opulent churches and mansions built with the wealth from silver mining. Their beauty, art, museums and rich traditions have earned them a place on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list. For a taste of the Mexico of yesteryear: peaceful squares and narrow cobbled streets, bustling markets and flower-filled courtyards, a trip to one or all of these cities is a must.

Ready for more amazing Mexico adventures
Get ready to go beyond the beach and see more of Mexico. Thomas More Travel can help arrange unforgettable getaways to Chiapas, Copper Canyon, Mexico City, central Mexico, Oaxaca, Puebla and Guadalajara on request. Ask at the tour desk.