By the time the precious eggs in the last sea turtle nest of 2016 had hatched, Royal Resorts security guards had released over 25,000 baby turtles or tortuguitas.

Our dedicated turtle guardians watched over 246 nests in the turtle nesting enclosures at The Royal Sands, The Royal Caribbean and The Royal Islander. Further south, 2,968 baby turtles were released at Grand Residences and 82 at The Royal Haciendas, where nesting turtles are rare.

Turtle nesting is cyclical and good years with lots of nesting activity are invariably followed by slow years. After record-breaking seasons in 2013 and 2015, 2016 was a slow year with fewer females coming ashore to lay their eggs. We hope that this summer will be a busier nesting season for the sea turtles. At the beginning of May our security teams will be on the lookout for our special visitors from the sea.

Baby Turtle