We know how much you enjoy having Vacation Size Banana Monkey during your stay and it has been brought to our attention you’re looking for it on the internet. Look no further! We’re sharing with you step by step recipes on how to make them at home.

We present you the recipe for one of our most popular cocktails, The Banana Monkey.

This drink gets its name from the inclusion of half a banana in the recipe. As you may know, Monkeys are supposedly big banana eaters, hence the reference. This is a beverage with a high level of sweetness, ideal to take also as a dessert.

Banana Monkey Recipe

  • 1 ½ oz coffee liqueur
  • ½ oz liquid chocolate
  • 1 oz coconut cream
  • 2 oz Carnation milk
  • Half a banana

Note: Instead of liquid chocolate you can also use crème de cacao
Blend and serve in a large cocktail glass previously decorated with chocolate and that’s it!

[videojs_video url=”https://www.royalresorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Banana-Monkey-Recipe.mp4″ poster=”https://www.royalresorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Banana-Monkey-Drink-Recipe.png”]

In the video: Our friend David give us full instructions on how to prepare an authentic Banana Monkey. It looks so delicious! So, maybe for your next homecation it will feel easing the homesickness of being not in your home away from home. Whenever you get a beverage with a tiny umbrella on it: it does count as a vacation, doesn’t it?

A few years ago we made a survey and this drink was voted as the favorite for all of our Royal Resorts members and guests. And we’re pretty sure that it is still your favorite! Isn’t it? Other beverages in the countdown were Bushwacker, Margarita, Miami Vice and Mojito. Which one is your favorite? You can find the rest of the videos in Royal Resort’s Facebook page

Is there any other Royal Resorts Cocktail’s recipe you would like to learn? If it’s so: take a moment and write it down in the comments section and we will make sure to post it right away!