The Royal Resorts Foundation extends their appreciation and gratitude to Monda and Sanford S. for their generous donation to our noble causes. Their donations will supply much needed support to Amigos de Sian Kaan and Grupo Desafio, two of the organizations supported by the foundation.

Amigos de Sian Ka’an, together with the Mexican National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), has launched a regional initiative to safeguard four million hectares of tropical forest in the state of Quintana Roo that are not currently protected by reserves. The Royal Resorts Foundation has joined the initiative which will protect the fragile ecosystems of the region and the treasured wildlife within.

Grupo Desafio began as a support network for breast cancer patients. Its mission is now to help all those living with cancer, regardless of sex, age or type of cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women over 25 in the state of Quintana Roo, with cervical-uterine cancer as second. Rates of other types of cancer are also rising. The Royal Resorts Foundation has teamed up with Grupo Desafio in the fight against cancer. It will be helping to fund a cancer awareness campaign and vital medical studies and treatments for patients who cannot afford to pay for them.


We spoke to Monda and Sanford S. about what inspired them to help.

People ask me, ‘Why do you keep coming down to Cancun?’ My answer is: the people. We really enjoy being with the Mayan people. The people that work at the Royal Resorts, their culture, their food, their history, their archeology. So, we always want to give back to the people that give us so much joy and this year, the Royal Resorts has made that easier by starting the Royal Resorts Foundation.

If you would like to join the Royal Resorts Foundation and learn more about the causes we support, visit