Royal Resorts is one of the leading companies in the state of Quintana Roo and in Mexico in the field of adult education and over the years it has received a number of accolades for its work. Employees who were unable to complete their high school education when they were younger due to economic hardship, difficult family circumstances, illness or other reasons are given the opportunity to continue their studies in the workplace. In January, CONEVyT, the National Council of Education for Life & Work, certified The Royal Islander as a “resort company committed to the education of its staff.”
Royal Resorts Human Development Corporate Manager Manuel Montalvo and Human Resources Corporate Manager Eric Millet received the diploma during the graduation ceremony for 52 members of staff from different departments throughout Royal Resorts who completed their primary or secondary studies in 2010. Congratulations to our newest graduates and a message of support for 150 of their fellow pupils who are still pursuing this goal.
In other Open Learning news, INEA (National Institute of Adult Education) representatives paid tribute to the work and dedication of Royal Resorts teacher Linda Dolores Gutiérrez Mendoza. She attained one of the highest qualifications nationwide in a recent evaluation of teaching staff in the Adult Education program. Well done Linda!
Additional Staff Training Programs
Apart from the opportunity to continue their education, Royal Resorts staff can take English classes during the day; pursuing courses custom-designed for their particular area, and fine-tune their speaking skills by practicing with members and guests. Some 380 employees are currently studying English and there are daily classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced level students and workshops for specific departments.
Computer workshops will also keep staff up to date with the latest developments in technology for the workplace and for those who do not normally use computers in their work it is a chance to learn new skills. In 2010, 1,684 employees attended computer classes.
During the year, the Human Development Department arranges a series of training courses on important topics for specific departments, health and safety workshops and seminars on service, leadership, team work and motivation to give employees the tools they need to grow and progress in the workplace, and in their lives. In 2010, each employee attended an average of 8.7 courses, up 27 percent on 2009.
Through the Cross Training program, staff and students may learn about different areas of the company, gaining experience and an invaluable insight into day-to-day operations in other parts of the company. In 2010, 338 Internal Trainees participated in the program and 55 were subsequently promoted. Local people lacking the experience they need to find work can also apply for the 30-day External Trainee program and last year 16 trainees were recruited. Finally, Royal Resorts has a training program for tourism and hospitality management students at Cancún colleges and universities throughout Mexico.